Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Name:juan reyes                                                                        Date:09-02-14
First quarter goal(short term)      
1. Get passing grades.
2. turn in all my work on time.
3. Adjust to my new schedules.
Semester goal (long term)        
4. pass the semester with all good grades in this class.
How will you measure your progress? Be specific.
1. check on my grades all the time.
2. be respectful to everybody.
3. do my work.
4. focus on school.
Who or what will verify that you have reached the goals?
1. my mom.
2. my teachers.
3. my classmates.
What do you need to do differently to help you to obtain these goals? List ideas.                                                
1. why is it important to set goals? to push yourself.
2. Does setting goals help you? how? it does because you can say that you accomplished.
3. how does it feel to accomplish a goal? it feels good because you reached your goal.
4. is it hard to think of goals that you would like to achieve? it sometimes is because its really hard to reach them.
5. what strategies might you use to meet your goal? read and write a lot.
6. what obstacles might you have to overcome in order to meet your goal? you might have to overcome some really big problem.
7. what do you think you might need from your classmates or advisor to help you reach your goals?
you would really need to ask everyone for help.

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